DC Circuits Plug - D 1000 

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Manual Base Unit  The Manual Base Unit contains a total of 32 Circuit Modication (CM)And fault switches. Students manually select CM switches as the course progresses, while the protected fault switches are reserved for Instructor use by means of an integrated, locking- cover assembly.  Base Unit Familiarization  DC Fundamentals Circuit BoardFamiliarization  Symbols and Schematics  Basic Safety Rules  Electrical Safety Rules  Circuit Resistance, Circuit Current, Circuit Voltage  Assembly of simple circuits  Use of voltmeters and ammeters  Ohm's law .  Series and parallel connection of resistors  Voltage dividers with and without loads  Light bulb characteristics .  Voltage dependent resistors ( VDRS ) .  Negative temperature coecient thermistors ( NTCS )  Positive temperature coecient thermistors ( PTCs )  Capacitors in DC circuits  Relay circuits